The top 5 reasons
why Lean Transformations fail
When a Lean manufacturing organization wants to have a system like Toyota Production System (TPS), this reminds me of a caterpillar that wants to be a butterfly. ... Read more...
Feeling lost in manufacturing? Wait! You are probably where I was
Regardless of our desires and beliefs, we lose our sense of direction if our minds can’t build a complete picture of what is going around. When our desires ... Read more...
3 Ways to unlock human potential in lifeless Lean operations
Lean Manufacturing Systems are prone to failure when they disregard employee needs and capacities. We analyze the behaviors that push employees to defensive.. Read more...
5 Ways to Clean Up a Toxic Workplace Culture
High performers leave toxic cultures. But they leave some questions behind: Are remaining employees all toxic low-performers? What guarantees that high-performers will not be toxic in their new workplace? .. Read more...

Yalın Üretim, Yalın Yönetim
Korona Sonrası İşler Nasıl Değişecek
Yalın’ın merkezinde insana saygı olması gerekliliğini herkese aynı anda göstermesi bakımından olumlu bir gelişme. Bu duyguyu işyerlerine götürecek pek çok insan, Yalın’a ruh katacak. ...Daha fazla...
Salgın nedeniyle işe gidemiyoruz. Bu yeni bir durum ve ilk defa işimize bu kadar dışarıdan bakabilecek durumdayız. ... Daha fazla...
How to gain and sustain a competitive advantage? More..
3 Qualities of High-Performance Culture
6 Questions to evaluate collaboration in your organization.
Are you satisfied with the level of collaboration in your organization? If yes, then every problem that pops-up should be a surprise for you... More....
Have you heard about "Collaborative Problem Solving?" PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), started by ... More..
Understanding the weakness : Collaborative problem-solving
7 Barriers to problem-solving skill development
A problem is a discomfort in our minds. Our brain continuously constructs a model of reality using sensory data and the material ... More...
The central decision-making habit of classical management slows down the organization and reduces efficiency... More..
Developing Collaborative Problem-Solving